Here we outline the final summative assessment’s design and facilitation.


Below is the design of the summative assessment. Some of the questions are missing, as they pertain to learning objectives from the theoretical modules.

The summative assessment has been designed to test on all learning objectes from each moduel, as outlined in the summative assessment page.

Final Summative Assessment


1. Please enter your name and email (for receiving a certificate) when prompted

2. Please do not use any outside sources (e.g., the internet, notes, textbooks, etc.)  to complete this final assessment.

3. Please answer all 8 questions, then click “submit”


What is your first and last name: ___________________

What is your primary email address: _________________

1. The parietal lobe is largely responsible for which of the following?

a) Sensory perception integration

b) Storing and retrieving memories

c) Processing visual input

d) Regulating body temperature

2. [There would be a question here, similar to question 1, that asks about the function of frontal lobe]

3. [There would be a question here, similar to question 1, that asks about the function of occipital lobe]

4. [There would be a question here, similar to question 1, that asks about the function of temporal lobe]

5. Match the key items below to each number in the image
(each key item should only be used once)

Key items: Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Temporal lobe, Occipital lobe

  1. ___________________
  2. ___________________
  3. ___________________
  4. ___________________

6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a) Each lobe of the brain has a dedicated function and works collaboratively with the rest of the lobes

b) Each lobe does everything, all at once, including allowing us to think and act

c) The frontal lobe does all of the work and the other lobes’ purpose is to support it

d) The occipital lobe is a redundant lobe and only exists to catch the mistakes of the other three lobes

7. Below is a case study that depicts how the lobes would work together to accomplish a real-world task.

  1. John decides to make his friend a sandwich to cheer her up
  2. John uses his parietal lobe to guide his hands to make the sandwich, then delivers it to his friend
  3. John uses his eyes to look for the peanut butter and jelly
  4. The occipital lobe sends visual information to the parietal lobe
  5. John recognizes that his friend is sad and feels empathy towards her
  6. John’s eyes send the information to his occipital lobe
  7. John remembers the steps for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  8. John remembers what he needs to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Reflecting on what you know about the function of each of the lobes, in what order should the statements from question 7 go?

a) 7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 6, 4, 2

b) 2, 8, 4, 6, 1, 5, 7, 3

c) 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 8

d) 5, 1, 8, 3, 6, 4, 7, 2

8. Which other real-world examples would require the use of all four brain lobes?

a) Riding a bike

b) Writing an essay

c) Playing a board game

d) All of the above

End of Final Summative Assessment


[Thomas insert stuff here about technologies and how they would work, include in-text citations and add references to references page]

*General note: As creating the below system would require far too much time and way out of scope, we have kept the idea theoretical using several Microsoft Office products. To go further in depth would require actually building this prototype below. The main idea below is to automatically generate a certificate to the student based off of their grade on the summative assessment. Another useful tool we can also use would be SharePoint Online to store all of the theoretical work below. SharePoint Online is a place to store, collaborate, and work on numerous types of documents. This would ensure that all documents are stored securely, and documents are easy to access for staffs of the learning resource (i.e. Spreadsheet results).  

Microsoft Forms

For the first step to designing our summative assessment, we’ve chosen to proceed with using Microsoft Forms to layout the questions. Forms is a tool used to create all kinds of surveys and questionnaires to receive responses (Microsoft Forms, 2022). This will be the platform where students will partake in the summative assessment. We will be adding several multiple-choice questions that will encapsulate learning material presented in each of the modules. Firstly, there will be initial questions to ask for the student’s name and email address. These two inputs will be extremely important to automating a certificate if the student passes the assessment. Then, there will be a number of questions listed for the student to answer.  Getting these questions right or wrong will help determine the student’s grade in the assessment. Each question in Forms will be set to Required as all inputs to the questions will contribute to either the grading, or the certificate processes.

Microsoft Word

In the process, we will utilize Microsoft Word as it will be used to add in the initial features on our certificate. Word is a tool most commonly used for In the process, we will utilize Microsoft Word as it will be used to add in the initial features on our certificate. Word is a tool most commonly used for writing out and editing documents (Microsoft Word, 2022). We will first design a certificate template that is copyrighted to our group, which can ensure that the certificate came from successfully passing our learning resource. Once we place a completed certificate image template into Word, we can then proceed to add Content Controls to the image template. Content Controls are simply these labels that you can customize within templates (Microsoft Support, 2022). In our case, Content Controls will be necessary for the automation to take place in Power Automate. We will be adding one Content Control to wherever an automated input is needed. For example, we will need a Content Control in place of the name field on the certificate.

Excel Spreadsheet

In terms of Excel Spreadsheet, we will be using this to store the assessment results from Forms. Excel is a tool generally used to make analyzing and reporting data easier for the users (Microsoft Excel, 2022). In the Spreadsheet, we need to create a table with 1 column representing 1 question in Forms. For example, in Forms, there will be a question that asks for your email, this means that there will be a column in the Spreadsheet called “In terms of Excel Spreadsheet, we will be using this to store the assessment results from Forms. Excel is a tool generally used to make analyzing and reporting data easier for the users (Microsoft Excel, 2022). In the Spreadsheet, we need to create a table with 1 column representing 1 question in Forms. For example, in Forms, there will be a question that asks for your email, this means that there will be a column in the Spreadsheet called “Email”. This will be the same for each of the assessment questions. The whole idea of Spreadsheet is for it to be a place to store all values regarding the summative assessment in Forms. Additionally, we will create a “Score” column in the table that will calculate the total grade for the student. This will utilize the “=SUM” function for calculating all the assessment questions that are worth marks. The SUM function can be used to add up values of several columns (Sum, 2022). In the ”=SUM” function, there will be 3 data points: (1) “correct answer”, (2) “value of question when answered correctly”, (3) “value of question when answered wrong”. This exact function must be applied to all assessment questions that will contribute to the grade. Example: =SUM (“Parietal Lobe”,”1”,”0”). Since we only added functions to the columns and no actual data from Forms, the data will actually be automatically populated using Power Automate.

Power Automate

Lastly, Power Automate is a powerful tool that we are using to link together all the previous Microsoft products. This product allows us to create a mainstream workflow that will automatically complete tasks that has been told to do (Power Automate, 2022). In this case, we’re telling Power Automate to create automatically create a certificate and send it to the student if they are eligible for it prior to the assessment. The workflow will contain many dynamic data blocks that will represent the data they hold. For example, the dynamic data block named “Email Address” will contain the students’ input of their email address.

The main workflow process will be as follows: (1) receive all responses from Forms, (2) Populate responses into the Spreadsheet, (3) get the grade of the assessment once it has been processed using the Spreadsheet formula on the “Score” column, (4) If determined that the student has successfully scored 80% or higher on the assessment, Power Automate will automatically populate the certificate template that’s been edited in Word using information that the student inputted. Such as their name. It would also populate all other relevant information on the certificate. This certificate would also be converted to a PDF in the later process. Then, Power Automate will take the users input from Forms regarding their email address and have it automatically send out a congratulatory email containing the PDF of the certificate. (4.1) If determined that the student has not successfully scored 80% or above, Power Automate will send out an email to the student based on their input from the Form and notify them for completing the course but will not receive a certificate as they did not score 80% or above. Note that this entire process in Power Automate is extremely streamlined and will occur within seconds. Once the Power Automate workflow has been created, there is no need to revisit it unless changes need to be made.