- Explore the About tab to learn about this interactive learning resource.
- Navigate through each module (in any order) of the learning resource.
- While you’re engaging in the modules, it is suggested that you interact with the learning activites scattered throughout the module. These will help you to gain feedback on how your learning is going, and will allow you to form deeper connections with the material. Answers to each learning activity, as well as feedback, can be found on the supplemental materials page.
- In addition to the learning activites, we suggest visiting external technologies listed in the supplemental materials page to further your learning
- While you’re engaging in the modules, it is suggested that you interact with the learning activites scattered throughout the module. These will help you to gain feedback on how your learning is going, and will allow you to form deeper connections with the material. Answers to each learning activity, as well as feedback, can be found on the supplemental materials page.
- Complete the final summative assesment
- You must score at least 80% to indicate you’ve successfully completed this learning resource.
- You may attempt the summative assessment as many times as you’d like.
- Once you’ve scored 80% or above, a certificate will be automatically emailed to you.